Saturday 13 September 2014

Currently the cap is one thing the style used to enhance your appearance than as protective headgear during hot weather and drizzle.

But for the Indonesian community, hat is also one of cultural pride. In Indonesia alone each area has a variety of very distinctive headgear. This time I will discuss one of the distinctive hat that blankon dai Java. 

Blankon itself is made of batik material and blankon There are 4 types based on the shape and origin, namely

blangkon Ngayogyakarta

blangkon Surakarta

blangkon Kedu

blangkon Banyumasan

Speaking of blangkon, the Java community for you, of course blangkon not foreign. Because blangkon is part of the Java community custom clothing. In ancient Javanese society, blangkon even an everyday outfit or arguably even clothing compulsory. Especially if there is such a custom ceremonies and so forth, blangkon never out of the head.

Indeed, in terms of shape, blangkon not so interesting. Moreover, when compared with the hat. Blangkon is merely a head covering made ​​of cloth. Warnyanya usual joke, not much varies. In addition, the mode or form of permanent blangkon also like it. However, precisely because of the simple look that attractive side blangkon. Because whatever his name blangkon simple, it has high philosophical meaning.

Blangkon not at all separated from the meaning of himself. Unlike Withering hat headgear just as well as decoration.

For blangkon, philosophical meaning implied in him that which is his lead. Therefore, by knowing the meaning of philosophy blangkon we will be able to judge that actually blangkon not something simple, but valuable.


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